Dancing To The End
Berlin - Bangkok / 2013-2016 / Dock11 Berlin, Sodsai center Bangkok / 65 Min
Is an on going dance performance that deals with the phenomena of death and its by product agony inspired by art iconography. In each country that there are shows, there will be an adaptaion with local guest.
The choreography is based on the micro and macro memories of agony as collective and the personal experience of the performers with the phenomena. The performers unfold various biographical, emotional, social and national backgrounds.They expose their inner world through differant significant iconography. But what does it actually mean: "personal experience"? It seems almost paradoxical that the survivors who have no experience with death, still have the idea of this experience. There are impressions that others leave with their dying(whether family, friends, or culture idols) also In addition, the history of art, film or the news feed us with endless fragments and images of death and agony. The choreography follows various impressions and collective images which are interested in unfold fears and perhaps longings/yearning. What is the significance of the social and cultural context to the visualization of death and agony? And how do certain personal visions and pictures on the self affect us as collective?
Concept & Styling: Nir de Volff
From & with: Katharina Maschenka Horn, Chris Scherer, Nir de Volff Light: Asier Solana Arce
Fotos: Emilien Leonhardt
Cover song by Claus Erbskorn
A Nir de Volff / TOTAL BRUTAL production with the support of Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin – Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur, Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa, Goethe Institute Bangkok. with special thanks for Rumpuree studio Bangkok, ID Festival at Radialsystem V Berlin und DOCK 11 Berlin
© 2021 All rights reserved to TOTAL BRUTAL/Nir De Volff.